Saturday, December 13, 2014

Lauren's Stocking Project 2014

Happy Holidays everyone! ♥ 

Every year my family creates Lauren's Stocking Project. We ask that you complete a random act of kindness in honor of our daughter, Lauren, who passed away in 2011. 

Because we do not have her here with us, we choose to do acts of kindness in remembrance of her every year. We invite all of you to join in this with us. It can be anything! Big or small! We do this because sometimes you have no idea what people are going through at Christmas time and sometimes other people need a little pick-me-up. Sometimes the smallest gesture can make the biggest impact.  

I ask that once you complete your act of kindness, you write it out, and email it to me. Please email it to and please put in the subject: DO NOT OPEN - RAOK or something similar. I will print them all out and stuff them in Lauren's stocking. We will not read any of them until Christmas morning when we are all together. 

I cannot believe this will be our 4th year doing this! It is amazing every year to read everything that people have done in honor of Lauren. It is simply beautiful. You may not understand, but it is very comforting for my family to include Lauren in every holiday. She lived for 15 days but lives forever in our hearts. ♥

Here is Lauren's Story:

Our 2011 RAOK:

Our 2012 RAOK:

Our 2013 RAOK:

2011 Lauren's Letters:

2012 Lauren's Letters:

2013 Lauren's Letters:

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