Sunday, December 8, 2013

Lauren's Stocking Project 2013

As many of you know, we did this same event in 2011 and 2012, our first and second Christmas without Lauren. The amount of response we got each year was amazing! I hope this can be a yearly tradition for our family.

For those of you who may not know, Our second daughter was born on June 17, 2011 and she left us on July 2, 2011. This was the worst thing we could have ever possibly endured. The holidays are even more excruciating when you see every family around you with so much joy, and you feel as though you are the only one without that joy, because you are missing something..someone.

In 2011 we heard of something called a stocking project, Where people we knew could either simply write a letter to Lauren, or complete one random act of kindness in remembrance of her. These acts of kindness can be ANYTHING! They do not have to be something huge or something that costs money.

I will link the previous two years so you can get some ideas and see what other people have done for their random acts of kindness.

Once you chose what you feel comfortable doing, complete that act, and write a description in an email. (Remember you can also choose to write a letter to my family or Lauren and that will be just as nice.) Please email them to me at:

In the subject line be sure to put: DO NOT OPEN, RAOK, or LAUREN'S STOCKING PROJECT. We will not read these ahead of time. I will print them out, stuff them in Lauren's stocking, and then on Christmas morning, we will open each one and read them together.

You will not believe how completing one act of kindness will make someone's day.

Like I said big or small, it does not matter. We are just asking that you remember Lauren while doing so.

I appreciate everyone taking the time to read this and considering making my family's holiday a little brighter. ♥

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